The "Role" of Paper in the Evaluation Processes of Institutions Educational: Proposal for the Presentation of Evidence
EasyChair Preprint 4032
8 pages•Date: August 16, 2020Abstract
Abstract. This document presents a sensitization proposal and an invitation to the conscious change of
evaluation practices, through an adjustment of policies or regulations, as the case may be, in which it is
required that the evaluation evidence is not presented on paper, but it also demonstrates that higher
education institutions, especially those dedicated to the teaching of computer science and computing, are
following concrete strategies in favor of the conservation of our planet's resources, that is, that they use
Optimally, technologies, not only as a means of teaching but to avoid the use of excessive documentation,
which among several functions, is used to demonstrate that the various criteria to be evaluated by an
accrediting body are met.
Keyphrases: Acreditación, Sustentabilidad, evidencias de evaluación