Author:José António FilipePublications |
EasyChair Preprint 15881 | EasyChair Preprint 14543 | EasyChair Preprint 13767 | EasyChair Preprint 10689 | EasyChair Preprint 9331 | EasyChair Preprint 7961 | EasyChair Preprint 7944 | EasyChair Preprint 7939 | EasyChair Preprint 7935 | EasyChair Preprint 7905 | EasyChair Preprint 7900 | EasyChair Preprint 7888 | EasyChair Preprint 7885 |
Keyphrasesanti Commons, Aquaculture, Brownian motions, Bureaucracy, Business Logistics, busy period, butterfly effect, Chaos2, chaos theory3, coastal development, complex adaptive systems2, Corruption2, devices, diffusion process, drop of honey effect3, dynamical systems3, Economics, efficiency, Energy, equipment, Erlang loss formula, Ethics., Failures, First passage times, fisheries2, Gambler’s ruin, Industry, International Investment2, Latin America2, management, maximization, medicine, Nanomaterials, Nanoscale, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology2, Occupation, partial derivatives equation, Pensions fund2, political risk2, politics, processes, Queue, queues, random walks, renewal equation, reserves, Surgery service, systems, Telemedicine, utility function, “butterfly effect”, “drop of honey effect”. |