Download PDFOpen PDF in browserHey Stranger-Friendship and Community Web ApplicationEasyChair Preprint 125945 pages•Date: March 19, 2024AbstractFriendship apps are a relatively new development in the world of social networking. These appsare designed to help people find and make new friends online. Unlike traditional dating apps, whichfocus on helping people find romantic partners, friendship apps prioritize the development ofplatonic relationships.The rise of friendship apps can be attributed to a number of factors. First,many people today lead busy lives and find it difficult to meet new people in person. Second, socialmedia has made it easier to connect with others online, and friendship apps are an extension of thistrend. Finally, younger generations in particular have grown up with technology and arecomfortable using apps to meet new people. Friendship apps typically work by matching usersbased on their interests, location, and other criteria. Users create a profile and can search for otherswho share similar hobbies or interests.While some people are skeptical of the idea of makingfriends online, many others have found success using friendship apps. These apps can beparticularly helpful for individuals who are new to a city or looking to expand their social circle.However, as with any online platform, it’s important to use caution when sharing personal information and meeting up with people in person. Keyphrases: Kotlin, Structured Query Language, web development Download PDFOpen PDF in browser |