Download PDFOpen PDF in browserEnhancing React Application Performance: Proven Strategies and Best PracticesEasyChair Preprint 158222 pages•Date: February 12, 2025AbstractWeb development is a very competitive game and making React application performance optimized is crucial to helping your end users have seamless experiences and also keeping your applications scalable. In this paper, we describe ways of making React application performance effective. Through the use of systematic processes to find and fix performance bottlenecks and advanced optimization techniques combined with robust performance measurement tools, developers can make large improvements in application visualization and efficiency. Also, server-side rendering and static site generation add to the picture of faster load times and improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In a comprehensive guide to React applications, the insights are critical for development teams looking to create high-performance and sustainable React applications. Keyphrases: Performance Measurement Tools, React Performance Optimization, Server-Side Rendering (SSR), VirtualDOM, memorization